Serbian Ch. & Australian Ch. Argos Labando (IMP Serbia)
Laki King of Truffles x Zumba Labando
Born: 14.11.2019
Colour: Orange
Bite: Scissor
Hips: A
Elbows: 0/0
Genetic Testing: MyDogDNA (Wisdom Panel) – All Clear
Eyes: Clear (17 June 2023)
Available at stud to suitable bitches.
It was an extremely long journey (roughly two years) before we could welcome Rex to Australia from Serbia.
We are so grateful to Borislav Solvilj of Kennel Labando in Serbia for his great efforts of patience and persistence. We know that there was a special connection between Borislav & Rex, and we thank him very sincerely for sharing such a wonderful dog with us.
So, despite COVID and all of the hurdles it presented us, and despite issues that were beyond our control concerning paperwork between our two governments – Rex is here, and he is definitely worth the wait!!
Rex has a beautiful, gentle and loving nature. A strong temperament that ensured that he managed the arduous flights very well. He charmed the carers in Quarantine where he spent 10 days, and arrived to us very relaxed and loving, even though he hadn’t met us before. He was not phased meeting his new lagotto friends at home, and slotted into our family like he has been here always.
He makes us laugh so much with his sweet little antics – the way he plays is as if he were a very young pup and loves a good game of fetch. Rex loves everyone and settled in extremely quickly – he is unfazed by young puppies and other males. He is one of the best cuddling dogs we’ve met.
Rex is such a joy to take in the show ring – such a calm boy, he puts his best foot forward and looks so together with his stunning trot that is so true to the Lagotto breed standard. He is gorgeous with or without his amazing coat – what a diamond of a dog he is!
Please click here to see a PDF of the DNA results from MyDogDNA (Wisdom Panel) for Rex.